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Every year, Sigma Chi chapters compete in the Derby Challenge, to raise the most money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. We host Derby Days as a way to hold friendly, philanthropic competition while incorporating our Greek Life at USC. Together, we are the generation that ends cancer.


Do you want to become a values-based leader? Make a positive impact on the world? Are you seeking a brotherhood united by common values, embracing different temperaments? If you're interested in joining the Sigma Chi , click the link below to fill out an interest form.

Why Sigma Chi?

Dedicated to fostering Friendship, Justice, and Learning, the Sigma Chi International Fraternity is one of the biggest and most successful brotherhoods in the world. Sigma Chi has a plethora of opportunities available to its extraordinary brothers.

About Us


Originally founded in 1855, Sigma Chi is one of the largest social fraternities in North America. The fraternity has more than 240 active chapters across the United States and Canada and has initiated more than 350,000 members. Sigma Chi was founded here at the University of South Carolina back in 1929, and ever since then has strived to continue the Gamma Nu and Sigma Chi traditions that have been ongoing for nearly a century at South Carolina. 

Additionally, we put forth a semesterly newsletter to inform people of our activities, philanthropy, and successes on campus!


If you have any questions related to the Gamma Nu chapter of Sigma Chi feel free to reach out to our president Tyler Nelson. With any questions related to our recruiting process and how to begin your journey into the brotherhood reach out to our recruitment chair Layth Darwich. Our brothers are happy to answer any questions or concerns.

In Hoc!

Tyler Nelson -  (757)-334-0412 |

Layth Darwich - (704)-674-6109 |

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